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Can You Overharvest the Donor Area?


Hey everyone,

I’ve been looking into getting an FUE transplant, but one thing that kinda worries me is overharvesting the donor area. I’ve seen some cases where guys’ donor areas end up looking really thin and patchy, and that’s honestly scaring me a bit.

How do you make sure this doesn’t happen? Is it just about finding a good surgeon who knows how to spread the grafts out evenly? Or is there a limit to how many grafts you can safely take before the donor area starts looking bad?

I’d really appreciate any advice from guys who’ve had a transplant, how many grafts did you get, and did your donor area still look okay afterward?
It’s definitely a real risk if a surgeon takes too many grafts, especially in a single session. Ideally, the extractions should be spread out so you don’t end up with visible gaps. Most ethical surgeons won’t take more than 30-40% of the available donor supply.
That makes sense. So if a clinic is promising something like 5,000+ grafts in one session, should I be skeptical? Or does it depend on the person?