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What Questions To Ask In A Consultation?


Hello guys, I’d love to hear your valuable insights on the following:

  • What are the most important questions to ask a doctor during a hair loss consultation?
  • How accurately can a doctor predict my hair loss pattern?
  • Is there typically a fee for consultations?

Looking forward to your advice!
Hey there! Having been through a hair transplant myself, I’m happy to share what I’ve learned.

  1. Important questions to ask during a consultation:
    1. What types of hair restoration procedures do you specialize in?
    2. If you perform strip (FUT) procedures, what technique is used for donor area closure? Do you use sutures or staples? Could you provide pictures of typical donor area closures?
    3. What tools and instruments does the surgeon use for making recipient incisions, and what are their sizes?
    4. How many years of experience does the physician have in hair transplant surgery? Could you share their credentials and professional background?
    5. How many hair transplant technicians are part of your clinic’s team?
    6. How long has each technician been working with your clinic, and what is their experience level?
    7. Am I a good candidate for a hair transplant? If so, could you explain why and discuss any factors that might affect my results?
    8. What kind of density can I realistically expect after the procedure?
    9. How elastic is my donor area skin, and are there ways to improve its elasticity before surgery?
    10. Are my goals realistic based on my hair characteristics, such as texture, color, and donor supply?
    11. What are the costs involved, including consultation fees (if any), per-graft pricing, aftercare, and medications? Could you provide a clear breakdown?
    12. What is the expected recovery timeline, and how much time will I need to take off from work?
    13. For FUT procedures, does your clinic dissect grafts using a microscope?

  2. How accurately can a doctor predict your hair loss pattern?
    It depends on the doctor’s expertise and the tools they use. A good doctor will analyze your family history, current hair loss pattern, and miniaturization levels.
  3. Is there typically a fee for consultations?
    Many clinics offer free consultations, especially if they specialize in hair transplants, as it’s a way to attract clients. However, some experienced doctors might charge a fee, especially if it’s a detailed analysis.

Hope this helps!